ResourceTrance has developed Electronic Waybill Mobile App.
This May, the company's branch in Kaliningrad began testing this system together with JSC Russian Railways, which is a transportation service customer.
ResourceTrance has automated the process of vehicles technical inspection.
This April, ResourceTrance Kaliningrad branch began testing vehicles automated technical inspection.
ResourceTrance continues its developments in the field of automation.
ResourceTrance transportation company is steadily integrating modern process management tools designed to increase productivity and efficiency. One of such means is Auto-Control automated system, which is used in the company for more than 5 years, constantly improving and supplementing with various modules
Digital technologies are a source for the company's efficiency increasing
Sergey Kulikov, Director General of the Management Company, told about the results of work in 2020 under the pandemic conditions, about cooperation with the Russian Railways Holding Company, about new projects and plans for the current year to Gudok Gazette.
ResourceTrance is transitioning to electronic document management.
In 2020, ResourceTrance began integrating Electronic Document Management (EDM) module, which allows to form, receive and send electronic documents by signing them with an electronic digital signature.
ResourceTrance integrated the transportation orders automatic distribution development.
In an era of information technologies rapid development, ResourceTrance follows the general trend of digitalization and integrates various IT developments that help optimize processes and increase efficiency. One of such developments is Planning and Logistics System (P&LS).

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